An organization's culture is defined as the way members of an organization relate to each other, to their work and to the outside world and that distinguishes them from other organizations (Hofstede). This means that what happens in an organzation isn't only steered by business processes, but to a very large extent also by its culture.
We help organizations change their culture in order to achieve their strategic objectives.
too much bureaucracy
When internal procedures block quick actions on the market, then the culture needs to be shifted to more goal orientation and to become more externally oriented.
low productivity
Low productivity can be due to an inward looking culture, where the goals of the organisation are at times not any more in focus. It can also be coupled with a very local type of organization where professionals don't look very much at their community for recognition and performance criteria. The detailed values of the related cultural dimensions will help understand more about the issue.
lack of open communication
From an organizational culture standpoint a lack of open communication can mean that goal orientation should be increased and/or that management should move towards a more open system.
conflicts being covered up
When an organizational culture encourages covering up of conflicts, then there is a need to move it more towards goal orientation and openess. There is also a need to bring ni more professionalism instead of too much loyalty towards the own department or group.
Low involvement in decision making
What is needed here is a culture which is more goal oriented, more employee oriented and where there are more managers working consultatively. Only a detailed analysis can reveal the right actions to be taken.
silos hamper collaboration
When silos block productivity then there is a need to move the culture towards a higher goal orientation as well as towards a less local dimension.
too high employee turnover
The organizational culture issues behind high employee turnover are complex. Possibly the actual culture neds to become more local, more open, more employee oriented. On the leadership side we would be looking for a more accepted leadership style and measures to increase the identification with the organization.
internal entrepreneurship
To further internal entrepreneurship a number of cultural dimensions need to be reviewed and in some cases acted upon. Is the actual culture enough goal oriented? Should the culture be more externally oriented? Is the system too closed? Is the present leadership style well accepted?Â