Two unique workshops (04-03-2012), Written by Alfred Colliander

1> Transversal leadership

Support functions lacking formal authority (HR, IT, Internal Audit, Project managers) have to influence instead of giving orders to achieve their objectives. This can be a both difficult and frustrating experirence.

Transversal leadership is a 2 + 1 day workshop which will help you deepen and improve your capacities to influence. The workshop includes group work on participant specific work-related issues.

With a maximum of eight participants this is a very interactive and productive workshop. Participants have frequently reported concrete changes in their way of working.

Contact  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for further 'information. 

2> Leadership. What else?

 The capacities of your employees are seldom fully mobilized. Just imagine all the skills they use while driving to work.

 > Investment decisions

After some thorough research they have decided to invest in a car.

 > Strategy development

Before hitting the road they have decided which way was optimal to get to work.

 > Reactivity to changes

Our drivers adjust their strategy as opportunities develop.

 > Sensitivity to the environment

They try to minimize pollution and their petrol bill.

 > Networking

Drivers are in permanent contact with other users of the road through gestures (and voice).

 > Multitasking

Many listen to music, the news or other information while driving.

 > Risk management

Your people wear their security belts and respect traffic rules.


Convinced? Then the question is how to mobilize all these precious skills? Join our two day workshop

Leadership. What else? and learn how to increase involvement.

Contact  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for further 'information.